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??? 浸入式电加热器主要用于直接对流体接触加热的场合,具有热交换快,热效率高等特点,分为水用加热器、油用加热器、气体用加热器,加热元件的功率密度:即电加热元件单位发热面积上的功率,它是电加热元件极重要的参数,直接影响加热器的使用性能及使用寿命,它的取值是一个非常专业的问题,受到许多因素的影响(如介质的流速、温度、物理和化学性质及介质流过加热元件的方向等等)。

The immersion electrical heater is chiefly applied in the direct contact mode of fluid heating.It features fast heat exchange and high thermal efficiency.It has the varieties of water heater,oil heater and gas heater.Its heating element power density,I.e. the power per unit of heating area of the heating element,is an important parameter of the electrical heating element,which has a direct bearing on the performance and working life.The working out of the value is a highly specialized problem,being under the influence of many factors (media flow rate,tempt,physical and chemical properties and direction in which the medium flows past the element etc).

??? 如果取值大则会引起过热、结焦,严重时很快就会引起加热元件的损坏,取值偏小,则会引起体积增大和成本的急剧增加,针对不同的用途的电加热器,采取不同的功率密度。在结构上的共同之处是采用了一块管板上集束了若干根电加热管,末端采用了支撑板或支撑管使所有电热管形成 -个整体,减少介质流动时对单根电热管的振动,在加热器中都装有超温控制装置,作为电热元件的保护装置。

Taking a too-high value will mean overheating and sintering and in serious cases causes damage to the heating element.While taking a too-low value will mean a large volume and a drastic rise of cost.Depending on the different applications electrical heaters adopt different power density.One common thing in terms of structure is that one tubing plate carries a number of heating tubes,at the ends of which is a supporting plate or supporting tube to make all heating tubes an integral whole.That way vibration of single heating tube caused by medium flowing is reduced.In the terminal box the overheating control is fitted as a protection device of the electrical heating elements.


The Type signifies:


  1. 加热器可采用碳钢或不锈钢,若加热温度较高,则在法兰与接线盒之间需加一个散热区,散热区长度随温度而定。若温度较低,则不设散热区,具体情况请洽本公司技术部门。
  2. 可采用螺纹接口。


  1. Heater may be made of carbon steel or stainless steel.Heating temperature is to be below 100℃.If heating is to be in the range between 100℃-200℃ a heat diffusion sector of 100 should be added bwtween the flange and terminal box,whose dimensions is A+100.If heating temperature needs to be even higher the heat diffusion sector shall be made longer.For specifics please contact our tech dept.
  2. Adopt the threaded connection.
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